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Obligations of Authorized Warehouses

  • By Siacomex
  • 2 April, 2024

Technical Analysis of DIAN Concept Number 100208192-436 of 2022.

Obligations of Authorized Warehouses

DIAN Concept Number 100208192-436 of 2022 establishes specific obligations that authorized warehouses must fulfill when receiving cargo from transporters or international freight agents. These obligations are essential to ensure the integrity and security of goods in the customs process. Below are the main obligations:

  1. Receive, Guard, and Store: Only those goods that are permitted to remain in their facilities.
  2. Manage Goods under Various Regimes: Goods subject to import, export, or transshipment regimes must be received, guarded, and stored.
  3. Register Information: Record the receipt of goods in the Electronic Information Services.
  4. Report Inconsistencies: Prepare and submit reports to the customs authority about discrepancies between the shipping manifest and the received goods, document alterations, or detected damages.
  5. Adhere to Customs Measures: Follow measures indicated by the customs authority to ensure compliance with customs regulations.
  6. Equip Facilities: Maintain security, computing, and communication equipment as required by the customs authority.
  7. Handle Goods: Have the necessary equipment for loading, unloading, weighing, storing, and preserving goods.
  8. Maintain Equipment: Keep all necessary equipment in proper working order.
  9. Facilitate Control Operations: Allow customs authorities to perform control operations.
  10. Provide Inspection Areas: Have designated areas for physical inspections and other customs operations accessible to DIAN personnel.
  11. Allow Pre-Inspection: Permit importers or customs agencies to pre-inspect goods when applicable.
  12. Identify Goods: Physically or electronically identify groups of goods in various stages such as import, export, transshipment, seizure, confiscation, abandonment, or with clearance authorization, except for bulk goods stored in silos or special tanks.
  13. Maintain Entry and Exit Records: Keep records of the entry and exit of goods.
  14. Report Irregularities: Report any irregularities and provide requested information to the customs authority.
  15. Deliver Goods Only with Authorization: Public and private warehouses must deliver goods to the declarant only when clearance has been authorized by DIAN. Also, deliver goods subject to export or indirect transshipment.
  16. Surrender Goods to Customs: Make goods available to the customs authority when ordered.
  17. Store Abandoned, Seized, and Confiscated Goods: Store and guard these goods in their facilities.
  18. Provide Required Guarantees: Establish guarantees as determined by DIAN.
  19. Maintain Authorization Conditions: Maintain or adapt to the conditions under which the warehouse authorization was granted.

DIAN Concept Number 100208192-436 of 2022 sets forth clear and precise obligations for authorized warehouses in the receipt and handling of cargo. These obligations are fundamental to maintaining the integrity and security of goods, ensuring regulatory compliance, and facilitating transparency in customs processes, with particular emphasis on compliance related to the unloading and reception of cargo.

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